Hi! I created this little page as a space for me to think aloud, so to speak, on different aspects of web design. I'll try and add to this from time to time. Humour me, if you please. :-)
Think about *how* you're viewing this site. When I view any website, I want to play it like a video game. The graphics should not only look cool, they should make it easy for me to cruise throughout the entire site in about 30 seconds once the images are saved in cache. Of course, I'll stop and read for a bit, and remember areas I want to return to, but I usually want an overview first. Many folks will abandon a thread if they feel they're getting "too deep", and jump back to a familiar location. The idea is to make them feel that "here" is an actual place, not just a thread of links. They'll end up staying at your site longer, and returning more frequently. They should be able to circle completely around the site, and the control bar should remain exactly where they expect it to. If they follow a link that has no obvious exit, clicking on the main image should take them to the next page in a series, or back out. Their trusty little navigation bar should follow them around to give them an escape at any time. A rigid internal logic has to control every aspect of the site, so that people *know* what to expect when they click on a link. Of course, every game has a few hidden "easter-eggs", and so does every site I create. The idea is to make visiting your site *enjoyable*. Have I succeeded with this site? I hope so, I know *I'm* having fun playing with it. Thanks for listening! Your pal, -doc- 8 September 96