Hi there, folks! I'm Doctor Ozone.
I've been on the World Wide Web for a couple of years now, and involved with computers and the Internet for quite a bit longer. My focus differs from many others in the business of WWW design. I am, first and foremost, an artist, and the computer is my medium. My original training is in the field of Industrial Design. I've spent the last 15 years working in the design field, first as a Furniture & Interior designer, and later as Art Director & General Manager of a commercial printing firm.
First, to clear up a few misconceptions, "DocOzone" is *not* a team of designers, it is just me.
FAXflash for ya, that last statement is no longer entirely true. I'm now working with Conal Garrity, out of Minnesota. Conal, (aka 'Metal'), is working with his many contacts in the music industry, and we're trading off on coding and graphics. It's a nice match, and we work well together.
I have a vision of what the Web should look like, and what it can be. I've dedicated myself to making this vision a reality. Up to this time, I've worked behind the scenes, helping others to perfect their control of their Graphics and HTML coding. I will continue this service as best as I can; feel free to Email me, advice is always free!